Sunday 3 March 2013

MJ: Filming on 02/03/2013

  • This week we all met up once again at the woods in Southborough in order to film our whole opening sequence.
  • Unfortunately we could not gather any more cast members together, and so the script was tweaked in order for the two chraracters to make sense.
  • After trying our best to get some great shots, such as a disorientated attack shot, but after trying many times to get the shot right, we found that timing the shot was too difficult.
  • In two hours we had complteted the shoot, happy with our footage.
  • The whole group are hoping that all the footage is the correct footage that will be good for our work, as unfortunately during a party on Saturday evening our camera (my Nikon D5100) was stolen from my house, meaning that we will not be able to use the camera for reshoots if the camera is needed.
  • Thankfully the SD card being used for our work was not in the camera when it was taken, and so our footage will still be usable.

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