Wednesday 6 March 2013

AC: Update on editing- 5/3/13

  • We as a group began to edit the our clips we filmed over the weekend, we spent a long time importing the files into the hard drive and also adobe elements, which restricted the time we were able to edit.
  • We managed to collate our best clips from the filming, and organise them into a rough order, of what we believe would look best.
  • Piers also began to listen to some tracks and take inspiration of what we believe would we could use, and is soon able to start to create some of the backing music we will use in our film.
  • I also almost finished the animatic, only sound needs to be added to the clip, along with some of the movement for the clips.
  • We have run into some issue with the filming, such as we do not have enough clips to work with, and we also realised some would need to be re-recorded. We also need to film a bit extra, to make sure the film is much longer.
  • We have organised to do some more filming this weekend to complete this, which would leave us enough time to collate all of the clips and edit everything together.

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