Wednesday 6 March 2013

AC: Title Ideas

  • The title we are going use we wanted to be written in blood, while also making the word 'Stakeout' clear, when it appears.
  • The font would also have to represent the horror genre, but also make it stand out as a vampire film as well.
  • We decided that these would be the best fonts to choose from, as they represent the styles we were trying to achieve
  • From the list, we agreed that 'Frisky Vampire' is font that we would use for our title. We thought it best represented the vampire look for our film.
  • The scratchy look to the title is what we liked about it, and when used in the colour red, can make it appear like blood dripping, and would make it obvious to the audience, what we are trying to achieve.

  • For the colour of the font we are looking to use a blood red colour, so stands out on a black background, and also obvious to an audience to an audience what we are trying to achieve with our colour scheme.
  • This represents the bloody, gruesome look we are going for in our horror film.
  • During the chase scene, we want to a have a wash effect of the titles appearing as the character runs past them on the tree, with the use of fast paced editing, we can make them appear, and go again and make them interact with the surroundings.

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