Monday 4 March 2013

AC: Location Reccie

  • We travelled down to Whortleberry Woods in Southborough, during the half term break, to try and find a good location for our filming. We settled on the woods as being our main location, as fits the criteria and requirements we wished to meet for our horror film.
  •  The purpose of this exercise was to scout a location we believed was suitable for the opening of our film, and take a few images of film an area, to see if we as a group believe it is an acceptable place to film, and will work well or not.
  • We filmed some shot clips from multiple angles in the area, to see how they looked on camera, as well as take a variety of different pictures of the surrounding area, to see how they looked
  • The location worked well, and the lighting was good, and we managed to get some good distances on our shots, as well as lots of different angles, which is key for our film.
  • From the experience in the woods, we discovered that the woods were too bright for the atmosphere we wanted to create, so it forced us to use low key lighting while filming, to make the area much darker and gloomier.

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