Tuesday 12 February 2013

AC: Audience Questionnaire

Survey Results

As a group, we set up an audience questionnaire using surveymonkey.com to try and gain useful information from our target audience. We shared the survey with groups of friends, and published it to multiple social networking sites, in an attempt to gain responses. Over two days, we manage to receive 29 responses in total, which is a good number to determine and analyse the responses, making them accurate and reliable. We used all closed questions as it means the quantitative data is easier to analyse, and we can get a better understanding of what the audience want to see.

Question 1 and 2:

We began by asking some simple questions, so understand the demographic of our audience, the majority of the responses were between the ages of 14 and 17, which is ideal for us, as it is the target audience we are looking to aim our film towards. There was a good split in gender as well, with only 5 more males than females answering the questionnaire, meaning we get a good variety of responses form both genders.

Question 3:

This was our only question, which allowed the participant to choose multiple answers. We wanted to see the normal preference and genres our target audience would normally watch; we received a wide variety of different answers, however the genre of comedy stood out among the others, which is a good indications of what our audience enjoy. Horror surprisingly was a less popular answer with 7 out of our 29 respondents choosing it.

Question 4:

From the research we found that most people would like to see our film opening in a woods, which is where we were planning on filming in the beginning, so it is good to find out that our target audience want us to film in the same location. Our second most popular answer was the old house, and as we were planning on cutting to a dark room for our second location, I think we have chosen the best locations we could have to film.

Question 5:

Our survey results show that the majority of our audience enjoy watching horror films which contain a psycho killer, rather than any mythical monsters, which shows our audience enjoy the sense of realism in a horror film. We are keeping with our idea of the vampires, but are going to emphasise the feeling of realism, to make it more appealing to our audience.
Question 6:

For our question on the level of gore, the majority of our participants suggested that we put a high level of gore in our fim, with the average choice being an 8 out of 10 on the level of gore. We planning to make it look realistic and with the use of lots of blood, which should meet our audience's preference.

Question 7:

From our research, we found that our audience watches a wide variety of different horror films, showing everyone has a different idea of what they think is a good and enjoyable horror film, so we will aim to appeal to a wide array of audience tastes, by adding different aspects from the genre.

Question 8:

The majority of our audience thought we should either use only one vampire and the antagonist in the opening scene, or a large group, and were not keen on many in between, although there was very little difference between the choices, we may have to rethink the number of vampires, we were originally planning on using around three vampires, but may have to use more vampire actors, or focus mainly on one rather than a group.

Question 9:

From this it is clear to see that our audience want us to use low key lighting when we film the scene, which means we will try to film, when it a cloudy day to get the effect, or using editing, bring the contrast down to add mystery to the scene, making it more scary for the audience, and allow it to be conventional of a horror film.

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